(alphabetically by first name)
Andreas Ortmann
ProfessorAndreas took up his current position of Professor of Experimental and Behavioural Economics in the…
Elise Payzan-Le Nestour
Associate ProfessorElise Payzan-Le Nestour joined the UNSW Business School in September 2010. Elise has also been…
Gigi Foster
ProfessorGigi received her BA from Yale (majoring in Ethics, Politics, and Economics) and her PhD…
Hazel Bateman
ProfessorHazel has research interests in the areas of public and private provision for retirement. Her…
John Roberts
UNSW Scientia Professor of MarketingJohn is a Scientia Professor of Marketing in the UNSW Business School, with a joint…
Kerry Humphreys
Associate Professor, AGSM ScholarKerry is an Associate Professor of Accounting in the UNSW Business School. She is former…
Mathew Chylinski
Senior LecturerMathew is a senior lecturer in the School of Marketing at UNSW. He is now…
Nitika Garg
Associate ProfessorNitika received her PhD in Marketing from the University of Pittsburgh. She is an Associate…
Sam Kirshner
Senior Lecturer, AGSM ScholarSam studies the impact of behavioural decision making in the presence of uncertainty. Specifically, Sam’s…
Will Felps
Associate ProfessorWill is an Associate Professor in the School of Management at UNSW. He teaches courses…
(alphabetically by first name)
Agnieszka Tymula
Associate ProfessorAgnieszka is a neuroeconomist at The University of Sydney who believes that understanding the biological constraints…
Ben Greiner
ProfessorBen is a Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He works in experimental…
Eva Vivalt
Assistant ProfessorEva is an Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the Australian National University and founder of AidGrade. She has…
Jeanette Deetlefs
Senior Policy AdvisorJeanette leads projects related to finance, service delivery and service innovation with the Behavioural Insights Unit of…
Renee Adams
ProfessorRenee is Professor of Finance at the University of Oxford, an Affiliate of LSE’s Financial…
Shinichi Nakagawa
Associate ProfessorShinichi is an Associate Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the School of Biological, Earth, and…
Vinayak Dixit
ProfessorVinayak is a Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New…
(alphabetically by first name)
- Adam Gorajek (Seminar Titles: Star Wars at Central Banks and An Introduction To Specification Curves And P-Curves)
- Agnieszka Tymula (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: Neuroanatomy Accounts For Age-Related Changes In Risk Preferences)
- Alex Holcombe (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Registered Replications At Perspectives On Psychological Science, Open Science, And Open Publishing)
- Amirali Minbashian (Seminar Title: Lessons From Psychology: What Management Scholars Can Learn (And Have Learnt) From The Credibility Crisis in Science)
- Andreas Leibbrandt (2019 DEI Workshop Keynote Title: The Science Of D&I)
- Andreas Ortmann (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Gender Diversity And The Economy: The Causality May Go Both Ways; 2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Individuals: (Dis)Honesty At The Micro Level – Does The Buck Stop With You?; 2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Behavioural Economics)
- Anna Dreber Almenberg (Seminar Title: Replications and Predicting Replication Outcomes)
- Anne Farrell (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: This Is Your Brain On…Accounting? An Odyssey Into The World Of Imaging)
- Ben Newell (Seminar Title: Nudges For People Who Think; 2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: The Eyes Have It? Can Perceptual And Moral Decisions Be Influenced By Eye Movements?; 2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Keynote Title: Psychological Priming: Theory, Method, And Controversy)
- Bill von Hippel (Seminar Title: Discovering Your Own Name On A Wall Of Shame)
- Bob Reed (Seminar Titles: Yes, You Can Calculate Ex Post Power! and On Replications, Significance Testing, Confidence Intervals and p-Values. And Meta-Analysis Too!)
- Bonnie Wintle (Seminar Title: The repliCATS Project)
- Carsten Murawski (Seminar Title: Computational Complexity And Decision-Making)
- Chew Soo Hong (Seminar Title: A Revolutionary Understanding Of How People Make Decisions)
- Chris Donkin (Seminar Titles: Why Preregistration Is Not Worthwhile and Back To The Drawing Board)
- Chris Doucouliagos (2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Finding The Power To Reduce Publication Bias)
- Clara Chen (Seminar Title: The Effects Of Directional Goals On The Perceived Credibility Of Data Analytics)
- Dan Goldstein (Seminar Title: Interpretable Artificial Intelligence)
- Daniel Friedman (Seminar Title: Varieties of Risk Elicitation)
- Daniel Lakens (Seminar Title: When It’s OK to Use P-Values to Make Dichotomous Decisions; 2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Improving The Falsifiability Of Predictions)
- Danielle Navarro (Seminar Title: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea)
- Dennis Gentilin (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Groups: Institutional Problems And Solutions)
- Elena Keller (Seminar Title: Revealed Preference Experiment Exploring The Demand For Fertility Treatments)
- Elise Payzan-Le Nestour (Seminar Title: Neuroeconomics as “Neuropragmatism”)
- Erte Xiao (Seminar Title: Competing By Default: A New Way To Break The Glass Ceiling)
- Eva Vivalt (Seminar Titles: Uses of Forecasts in Research, How Much Can We Generalize From Impact Evaluations? and How Do Policymakers Update?)
- Fatima Jamal Khan (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: The (Null) Impact Of Diversity Officers)
- Fiona Fidler (Seminar Titles: The repliCATS Project and Will This Time Be Different?)
- Frederik Anseel (Seminar Title: Can We Accomplish Both Academic And Practical Impact (And If So, How To Organise For It)?)
- Gideon Nave (Seminar Title: Does Oxytocin Increase Trust In Humans?)
- Gigi Foster (2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Big Theory)
- Gilad Chen (Seminar Title: The State Of The OB Science: How Are We Doing, And Can We Do Better?; Research Methods Seminar 2020: Theorising And Modelling Change Phenomena In Organisational Research)
- Gina Perry (Seminar Title: Backstage and Frontstage)
- Glenn W. Harrison (Seminar Title: Welfare Evaluation Of Insurance)
- Hazel Bateman (Seminar Title: Learning To Value Annuities: The Role Of Information And Engagement)
- Inka Eberhardt (Seminar Title: Follow The Rating: How Disclosure Affects Retirement Income Product Choices In A Discrete Choice Experiment)
- Jeanette Deetlefs (Seminar Title: On Recently Completed RCT Interventions Of The BI Unit Of The NSW Premier And Cabinet; 2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: How To Clean Data From MTurk Studies (And Why It Has To Be Done))
- Jie Chen (Seminar Title: Facilitating Public Goods Provision In Groups With A “Relatively Privileged” Player: The Comparative Efficacy Of Punishment And Reward)
- Joel Bank (Seminar Title: Star Wars at Central Banks)
- Joel Pearson (Seminar Title: Future Minds Lab @UNSW, Who Are We And What Are We Doing)
- John Roberts (Seminar Title: A Research Agenda for Studying the Role of Emotions in Choice Models; 2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: The Promises And Pitfalls Of Big Data; 2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Big Applications)
- Jonas Fooken (Seminar Title: Performance-Based Pay, Motivation, Stress And Preferences)
- Joshua Miller (Seminar Title: The Hot Hand Fallacy Fallacy)
- Julia Rohrer (Seminar Title: Not Even Unreplicable: Vague Questions & Pseudo-Heterogeneity; 2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Tackling Deep-Rooted Problems Of Psychological Research)
- Kuba Tymula (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Human Super, A Super Fund Crafted For Women)
- Le Zhang (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Null Hypothesis Significance Testing And The Problem Of Underpowered Studies In Economics)
- Lionel Page (Seminar Title: The Matthew Effect: How Success Fosters Further Success)
- Malte Friese (Seminar Title: Is ego depletion real? An analysis of arguments)
- Maria Recalde (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Women In Organisations: Task Acceptance / Leadership)
- Mark Rubin (Seminar Title: Hypothesising After The Results Are Known)
- Michaela Pagel (Seminar Title: The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: New Evidence On Individual Spending And Financial Structure)
- Mike Le Pelley (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: When Goals Conflict With Values: Using Eye-Tracking To Measure Changes In Automatic Attention)
- Pamela Hanrahan (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Individuals: (Dis)Honesty At The Micro Level – Does The Buck Stop With You?)
- Pascal Bourgeat (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Titles: Data Science Meets Behavioral Science: The Eyes-Brain Team For Behavioral Insights About The Promises And Pitfalls Of Big Data and Ethics In Groups: Institutional Problems And Solutions)
- Pauline Grosjean (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Corporate Gender Culture: How Firms Think About Gender Diversity, What They Do About It, And What Works?)
- Peter Bossaerts (Seminar Title: How Neurobiology Can Inform Decision Science: The Case Of Trading Skill)
- Rachael Meager (Seminar Title: Evidence Aggregation In The Presence Of Heterogeneity)
- Rajat Kulshresta (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Booodl)
- Renee Adams (2019 DEI Workshop Keynote Title: Women On Boards; Seminar Title: The ABCs Of Empirical Corporate (Governance) Research; 2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: On The ABC Of Empirical Corporate Governance Research)
- Rob Nicholls (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: But The Algo Made Me Do It! Data Ethics In Algorithmically Driven Businesses)
- Robert Slonim (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Journal Of The ESA And Why It Was Started)
- Rolf Zwaan (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Keynote Title: P-Hacking, Replication Crisis, Meta-Analyses, Pre-Registered Studies, And Open Science)
- Sarah Walker (Seminar Title: Taking The Lab To The Field: Using Lab-in-the-Field Experiments To Inform Policy)
- Simine Vazire (2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: The Credibility Revolution In Psychology)
- Taisuke Imai (Seminar Title: Meta-Analysis in Behavioral Economics: The Case of Loss Aversion and Present Bias)
- Tal Yarkoni (2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Improving Reproducibility And Replicability In Psychology: Lessons From The Computational Sciences)
- Thomas Pfeiffer (Seminar Title: Replication Markets In The Social And Behavioural Sciences)
- Tom Beesley (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: Pros And Cons Of Using Immersive Virtual Reality In Experimental Psychology)
- Ulrich Schimmack (Seminar Title: Implicit Preferences: Do Implicit Measures Predict Your Behavior Better Than You Can?; 2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: How Credible Are Published Findings In Psychology?)
- Uwe Dulleck (Seminar Title: The Case For (Economic) Theory In The Age Of Behavioral Economics)
- Vinayak Dixit (Seminar Title: Risk Perceptions In Transport)
- Will Felps (Seminar Titles: Can We Make (Business) Science Better? Validity, Efficiency, And Relevance and Solutions To The Credibility Crisis In Business Science)
- Xueting Wang (Seminar Title: Quasi-hyperbolic Present Bias: A Meta-analysis)